Segment Check Points (aka Aid stations)

We are using our standard on course Aid Stations as markers for the January & February segments. These points are noted on the Course Map and our Virtual Page.

  • Aid Station #1 = 10.94 km / 6.8 miles

    • 2019 CAPTAIN: Tim Whitcombe

  • Aid Station #2 = 16.4 km / 10.2 miles

    • 2019 CAPTAIN: Max Schellhorn - Seattle Running Club

  • Aid Station #3 = 20.9 km / 13 miles

    • 2019 CAPTAIN: Yvonne Naughton

  • Aid Station #3.5 = surprise!

    • 2019 CAPTAIN: Doug McKeever

  • Aid Station #4 = 32.7 km / 20.3 miles

    • 2019 CAPTAIN: Elizabeth Reese - Rainshadow Racing

  • Aid Station #5 = 40.2 km / 25 miles (walk in crew access)

    • 2019 CAPTAIN: Tim Whitcombe

Time Limit

There is an 8 hour time limit for our in-person event. For the Results of the 2021 Virtual March event we will record all submitted times.


Each year we have an amazing crew of volunteers that seem to have a blast no matter the weather.  These people make the race possible, and we are so thankful for their support. This race could not happen without our volunteers and their energy. We hope to engage volunteers for the 2021 event, but need to wait to collect information until we are able to bring people together. Our volunteer coordinator, Kevin Douglas, can be reached at lostlake50 at

REFUNDS, Roll-overs, registration transfers

If you are unable to participate in the Virtual Race please let the race director know at chuckanut50 at before December 31, 2020 to receive an entry refund less $5. If you ordered a shirt, please let us know if you would like to receive that or not. We do not allow entry roll-overs or transfers and are unable to issue refunds after December 31, 2020.

Special requests

All runner special (late entry, elite, sponsor, etc) requests must be received no later than February 1 to be considered.

(Participants AgeD 18 & Older)

(signed by each participant when registered)

In Consideration of the acceptance of my entry into the Chuckanut 50Km, I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns waive, release and discharge any and all rights and claims or damages against the race organizer (Runner Girl Races, LLC d.b.a. Chuckanut 50Km), Kristin Moehl (as an individual), race directors, USATF, race workers, race volunteers, the State of Washington, City of Bellingham, Whatcom County Public Works, Whatcom County Parks & Recreation, Larrabee State Park, and all sponsors for any and all claims arising, directly or indirectly, from my participation in the Chuckanut 50Km.  I attest and verify that I have full knowledge of the risks involved in this endurance run, and that I assume those risks, and that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained to participate in this event.