New co-RD

The work that goes into directing a race, while is exciting, can be a bit daunting.  For the past three years Ellen Parker has been a huge asset to the event jumping in and making many of the details come together.  Countless hours in the months leading up to the race and many sleepless nights the week of the race are rewarded by seeing the runners come across the finish line on race day.  All of the behind the scenes details, most that runners don't even realize have to come together for a successful event, would not be possible without the help of our many volunteers and a co-RD.  A huge thanks to Ellen for her contribution in growing and enhancing the Chuckanut 50k.  

co-RD Heather Anderson

co-RD Heather Anderson

I received amazing interest from many great individuals regarding filling the co-RD position for 2013.  After a bit of email communication with everyone I am excited to sign on and work with Bellingham local Heather Anderson.  Heather brings a healthy resume of race volunteer work, co-RD experience and a great list of races she has completed as well.  No stranger to the ultra and trail scenes I look forward to Heather's insight and ideas to this year's race.