Volunteers: The Soul of Chuckanut 50k
We know it is true for lots of events in athletics and basically every other realm, but we still hold a strong belief that the volunteers at the Chuckanut 50k are the BEST. The repeats that come back for more every year, the costumes, energy, thoughtfulness and time all add up to a most spectacular event that third Saturday of March in Fairhaven Park. :)
This year we are working with TrailrunnerHQ for our main race communications and volunteer sign up. There is more information, and google form link to get started on the the Volunteer Sign Up link in the main menu of the race website. This race update is to let you know it is LIVE!
Thank you for the support of the Chuckanut 50k and if you are a runner, helping us find the awesome energy of your friends and cohorts that want to volunteer on race day.